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Jonathan Richman | Dogmatics Photo

New York City
October 12-15, 2008

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Statue of Liberty - Battery Park
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Colorful flower framed in park fence.
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Jumble of masts in front of line of skyscrappers.
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Brooklyn Bridge from Pier 17.
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Behind the heli-pad you can see the Brooklyn Bridge with one of the waterfalls underneath.
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The IAC building.
It's made to look a little like sails.
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The IAC building.
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An ad shoot near Littly Italy
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Littly Italy
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Korean War Memorial - Battery Park
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New York Stock Exchange
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Even though the market was closed (It was Columbus Day) people were streaming down the street and street performers like these are there to make some money from the economic disaster of others.
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The press was all over the place.
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Mary with a load of bull.
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Guerrilla recession sign.
Tighten belts
Recession signs.
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Wall Street.
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SuperObama poster.
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The Pier 17 complex.
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Found in the Swatch Store on Bleeker.
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Staten Island Ferry building.
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The Staten Island Ferry
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A great day on the water.
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Waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge.
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The waterfall on Governor's Island.
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The Cake Shop.
It's a bakery, record store and club.
The new hip place to be.
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In the garment district.
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Private balcony
Third balcony down on the left is completly enclosed in fencing.
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We ate here at the Vineria con Cucina on the corner of Bleeker and MacDougal in the Village.
The Bitter End
The Bitter End
We just saw some random show to see the inside.
Blowfish sign
Ad using a blowfish.

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Home | WLYN | WMBR | Boston Groupie News | Punk Photos | MP3's | Links
Jonathan Richman | Dogmatics Photo

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