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Ted Myers
It's important to note that it was Ted's song writing abilities that was the major factor in his continuing success. There was a craving for original music at this time and Ted was the man with the goods. In 2017 he put out the book Making It: Music, Sex, & Drugs in the Golden Age of Rock where he tells the story on that part of his life. The book goes on to the rest of his life which for 20 years was rife with sex and drugs but not too much music. Then he straightens out and works for Rhino Records for a time. He's the first one to write a book on that era extensively from the inside. That's great news for us Boston Sound fans. The Beatles had exploded by the time Ted got to Goddard College in Vermont. He had some experience in a cover band and in some folk music. He also was trying LSD even at that early date. Then he finds other like-minded musicians that became The Lost: Walter Powers, Willie Loco, Hugh Magbie and Tony Pfeiffer. He says they were folky but electric. It was folk covers and a few originals by Ted. The name was suggested by Willie and was in reference to Hemingway's mention of post WWII's 'Lost Generation'. The have success playing around the school and eventually get to Boston to make a go of it. There are stories of Boston and being a band in Boston. He talks about The Rat long before Punk made it super famous. There's lots of attention to the ups and downs of the Lost's career. This is a real boon to all Lost fans. It all leads up to the first Boston Tea Party gig which is also the last Lost show. He later meets Alan Lorber of Ultimate Spinach fame. With a few twists he starts Chameleon Church with Chevy Chase as drummer (who he original knew at Goddard). There was the eventual LP that Myers thought was mixed wrong and it never gained attention. He mentions shows at the Cambridge Commons and the Catacombs. It's now 1968. Because Ted was under contract to Lou Adler and he had songwriting ability he got into the final version of the Ultimate Spinach along with Jeff Skunk Baxter. There was a drug bust with some of the Spinach involved. Ted took the opportunity to go to the West Coast and thus begins a new chapter in his life story. That point in the book is 40% in. He does manage to get an album out in 1977 called Glider. In 1980 he was in a short lived pop group called Incognito. His last work was the CD LifeAfterLife in 2012. This is the most sustained write up by anyone right in the middle of the Bosstown Sound. Nice to get this. The book is available on Amazon. It's only $4.99 as a Kindle book. Ted Myers has a website CLICK HERE
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